Kamita Julius Mwangi
Msc. Student at Tokyo University of Agriculture
Before 2021, international engagements, participation and beyond Kenyan borders educational workshops and conferences remained a dream in my life. Despite being conducted online, participating in International Student Summit was my first time to express my study in present of people from different countries, races and outside Africa. I firstly came to Japan in 2022 for participation of CIEP and ISS, making it my first time to leave the Kenyan territories. This is my remarkable turning point for my 16 years academic journey from local class setting to an international class environment. I had workshops at Tokyo NODAI before being involved in field practical with farmers in Ishikawa Prefecture. ISS gave me a lot of confidence in expressing myself in front of a large multitude of people, managing stage freight and composure in answering audience questions. Recently September 2024 out of good abstract writing skills learnt from ISS, I got a chance to do good presentation in Thailand. I was happy to learn how to fast response to the changes in farming technologies such as green revolution, use of drowns and the role of cooperatives such as JA Wakaba. Once I complete my education, I would like to make a meaningful contribution to solving urgent Agricultural issues in Kenya and developing countries.