Bonniface Kioko Muasa
MSc. Student at JKUAT
It has been just over a year since I attended the ISS & CIEP program at Tokyo University of Agriculture (July-August 2023), an unforgettable experience that I will always cherish and share with future generations in my homeland. This experience taught me invaluable lessons that have reshaped my daily life. I gained more from the practical exposure of CIEP than from typical classroom activities. Some key lessons include:
Environmental Conservation: I witnessed, for the first time, an unpolluted environment, even in rural areas, with clean air and flowing water. I now strive to replicate this in my own small way.
Discipline and Respect: Respect was universal, independent of class or status, inspiring a lifelong commitment in me.
Healthy Living: Rural Japan's diet and balanced work-life practices, focused on family time and rest, have encouraged me to adopt similar habits.
Currently, I am completing my Master’s in Science at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology while consulting for organizations such as AU-AIBAR, JICA, FAO, and Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture. I specialize in animal/livestock feeds and data and aspire to further my studies in agricultural feed data science.